5.14 Updating a device

From the View Device screen, you can:

For more information about using MyID Desktop and Self-Service App workflows from within the MyID Operator Client, see section 3.3.2, Launching MyID Desktop or Self-Service App workflows.

You can request updates for a device using the Request Update option on the View Device screen. See section 5.16, Requesting an update for a device.

5.14.1 Collecting updates for your own device

To check for updates to your own device:

  1. Search for your device, and view its details.

    See section 5.1, Searching for a device.

    Alternatively, insert your device into a reader.

    See section 5.2, Reading a device.

    You can also view a device from any form that contains a link to the device.

    For example:

    • Click the item in the list on the DEVICES tab of the View Person form.
    • Click the link icon on the Device Serial Number field of the View Request form.
  2. Click the Collect Updates option in the button bar at the bottom of the screen.

    You may have to click the ... option to see any additional available actions.

    The MyID Operator Client checks whether there are any update jobs available. If no jobs are available, it displays the message:

    OA10059: There are no update jobs to collect for this device

    If there is an update job available for the device, the Collect My Updates feature appears in a Self-Service App window with the device update task already selected.

    See the Self-Service App features section in the Self-Service App guide.

5.14.2 Collecting updates for another person's device

To check for updates to another person's device:

  1. Search for the device, and view its details.

    See section 5.1, Searching for a device.

    Alternatively, insert the device into a reader.

    See section 5.2, Reading a device.

    You can also view a device from any form that contains a link to the device.

    For example:

    • Click the item in the list on the DEVICES tab of the View Person form.
    • Click the link icon on the Device Serial Number field of the View Request form.
  2. Click the Collect Updates option in the button bar at the bottom of the screen.

    You may have to click the ... option to see any additional available actions.

    The MyID Operator Client checks whether there are any update jobs available. If no jobs are available, it displays the message:

    OA10059: There are no update jobs to collect for this device

    If there is an update job available for the device, the Collect Updates workflow appears in a MyID Desktop window with the device already selected.

    See the Collect Updates workflow section in the Operator's Guide.